The Truth about Asthma

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What is Asthma?

Did you know there is no agreement among doctors as to what asthma really is. Learn more

What is Asthma? What causes asthma? Who gets asthma? Confusion seems to be the central fact when we look ar research findings Here

Half the Patients Diagosed with Asthma Don't Have It!

There could be up to 50% of patients diagnosed with asthma that do not have it and should not be on certain asthma medicine. Learn more

Asthma Drug Therapy Worsens Condition

It can be demonstrated that the modern treatment of asthma may not only offer no cure for the condition but indeed may make the condition worse over time, increasing the need for more and more medication. Learn more

Asthma Drugs May Have Serious Side Effects

There is serious concern over the safety of asthma medication, side effects are well known and any including exacerbation of asthma or even death. Learn more

Asthma a Multi Billion Dollar Industry

It has taken the lifetime's work and dedication of a Russian doctor, Professor Konstantin Buteyko, to make this connection between asthma & hyperventilation thereby demonstrating an alternative approach to management of asthma not based solely on drug therapy. This threatens both the current mind-set in medicine and the multi billion dollar pharmaceutical business. Learn more

Asthma Linked to Hyperventilation

Most patients diagnosed with asthma overbreathe or have chronic hyperventilation. Learn more

Asthma Controlled with Breathing Exercises

When patients are taught to control their hyperventilation with various breathing exercises most of their symptoms of asthma reduce or stop entirely. Learn more

The Buteyko Method a Proven Aid for Asthma Patients

The Buteyko Method teaches people to take better control of their breathing, reducing their chronic hyperventilation, and therby giving them better control of their "asthma" symptoms

with reducing need for medication and often the elimination of all "asthma" prescibed medication, safely and permanently. Learn more

Clinical Trials Prove Benefit of the Buteyko Method

The Buteyko Method has been clincally trialled a number of times always demonstrating these result; reduced need for reliever and steroid medication and better quaility of life. Learn more

Pharmaceutical Companies Won't Fund Buteyko Research

It is reasonably argued that more trials ought to be done to improve the confidence in the results and to further clarify why such results occur but the vast majority of medical trials are funded by the pharmaceutical companies who would stand to lose billions of dollars in sales if this training or similar training were made available to all asthma suffferers. Asthma drugs account for approximately 20% of the sales of the major pharmaceutical companies. Learn more