The Truth about Asthma- Drug Sales

A Conflict of Interests

There is a real problem in medicine today that with the evolution of a disease orientated medical system depending increasingly on new drug therapy there is a conflict of interests. On the one side drug companies have taken on the role and responsibility for researching new and better drugs for alleviation of diseases, this involves a high investment of money and resources. On the other hand it is essential that these companies meet the market investment expectations of their shareholders, otherwise they would cease to exist. Here is the fundamental problem; it behoves the drug companies to make a profit, to direct their resources to only products that have a reasonable probability of high demand and that will show an adequate profit. This is the nature of business and it is no criticism of the industry to do this. The drugs industry is not a charitable organization and at this time is not subsidized or supported by the government to allow it to research any medical system that may reduce it's own profits or that will not generate new revenue.

Until the medical establishment has a radical change in its philosophy and practice of healthcare this problem will persist.

What change would be needed to diminish this problem? You may have recognized already the essential element underpinning not only the Buteyko Method but all those health promoting systems and activities that rely on the individual's own efforts and awareness to enhance their own health. Many of these systems have been broadly lumped together in a derisory way as Natural Healthcare, Alternative Medicine or Complementary Medicine. The truth is that only when individuals are helped, taught and encouraged to take personal responsibility for their health and wellbeing will this pathological decline in medical care be stopped. We have in the West little or no significant funding and promotion of health, what we surely have is the most expensive health breakdown service that will continue to demand an ever increasing share of the national wealth. There will come a tipping point when more funds will not be made available, when medical care will be so rationed as to cause such severe inequalities of treatment among the population as to create a public outcry and demonstrations and when the futility of this pathologically dominated approach will be at last recognized by all.

Health is indeed very simple, disease is very complex.

Health is built on basic foundations; good diet, good water, good structure, good shelter, good work, good family & community, good environment, good mind state and good balance in all these things. The Buteyko Method targets poor breathing, nutritional therapy looks at diet, the osteopath, chiropractor, physiotherapist and others seek to normaize the body structure, our health workers support the other factors of shelter, environment , family etc., yoga teachers, relaxation classes etc help the mind state and government should work towards a healthy environment and workplace. Our doctors will one day embrace all these measures and add their expertise when despite all our efforts we fall ill.