Asthma: "I could not believe how quickly my symptoms eased. Within a matter of months I was going on walks and cycling again with ease."

I developed late onset asthma after a bout of flu which led to bronchitis/pneumonia about five years ago. I would get very breathless even with only mild exertion and had attacks if I came into contact with smoke and pollen. Just over two years ago after a particularly bad summer, I discovered Buteyko. I had begun to lack the confidence to go out on my own in case I had an attack which made me panic, but the course gave me the confidence to believe that I could control my asthma myself. I could not believe how quickly my symptoms eased. Within a matter of months I was going on walks and cycling again with ease. I have not used my reliever once since completing the course and was able to reduce the use of steroids down to only one puff per day within a year or so and I have just recently stopped that too. Buteyko has made a massive difference to me. Many thanks. Vivien B. Wadhurst


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How to check your breathing

Are you a mouth breather usually?

Do you sigh, yawn, sneeze, wheeze or snore?

Before speaking, do you take a deep breath through the mouth ?

Is your breathing noisy?

Do you pant, cough or blow your nose excessively?

Do you wake up feeling tired or with a headache?

Do you wake at night, for no apparent reason?

Does your upper chest move most when breathing?

Do you suffer shortness of breath?

Do you get headaches, tiredness, or dizziness?

Do you suffer from lack of concentration or irritability?

Do you have difficulty holding your breath for more than 30 seconds?

Do you wake with a dry mouth?

yes no

yes no

yes no

yes no

yes no

yes no

yes no

yes no

yes no

yes no

yes no

yes no

yes no

If you have more than one 'yes' answer you may have incorrect breathing habits

Click here to go straight to a simple selfcheck on your breathing



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