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About Breathing rates


The purpose of this test is to check at what carbon dioxide concentration in your blood your breathing trigger will be activated.

When it reaches the point where it tells the brain that the blood is approaching too acid a level, the brain will instruct you to breathe.

As a result of bad breathing habits, the brain may have reset its trigger point lower than it should be and it thinks youÕve been running a marathon when you have in fact only been carrying in the shopping.

So it makes you breathe far sooner than is actually necessary.

Take the test.

Breathing normally, hold your breath on an out breath, and check how many seconds before you want to breathe in. Your breathing should immediatly return to normal after this test.

Don't be surprised if you donÕt reach anywhere near the ideal level of 45 to 60 seconds. More than 90% of people fail to achieve this level.

The good news is that this can change very quickly , and it is quite possible for you to double the number of seconds that you were able to hold your breath by the end of the first week of the course.


Breathing rate chart
No of seconds you can hold your breath
Litres of air breathed per minute
% of CO 2in lungs
Breathing for
45 - 60
4 - 5 ±
1 person
30 - 45
8 - 10 ±
2 people
15 - 30
12 -15 ±
3 people
10 -15
16 - 20 ±
4 people


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